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Inflation for low-income Brazilian families falls in February

The indicator, which measures inflation for Brazilian families with income between 1 and 2.5 minimum wages, has increased 0.61% in the year and 4.11% in the last 12 months.


The February Consumer Price Index - Class 1 (IPC-C1) recorded a decrease of 0.07%, 0.47 percentage points (p.p.) below the January rate, when prices varied 0.54%. With this result, the indicator published by FGV’s Brazilian Institute of Economics (IBRE), which measures inflation for Brazilian families with income between 1 and 2.5 minimum wages, has increased 0.61% in the year and 4.11% in the last 12 months.

In February, the Consumer Price Index (IPC-BR) varied 0.31%. The variation rate for the last 12 months was 4.57%, above the IPC-C1. Six of the eight expense categories that comprise the index recorded a lower price variation: Food (0.34% to -0.45%), Transport (2.07% to 0.72%), Education, Reading and Recreation (2.74% to 0.67%), Clothing (-0.14% to -0.37%), Miscellaneous Expenses (0.49% to 0.36%) and Communications (0.42% to -0.02%). The following items were the main drivers behind such increase: non-alcoholic beverages (1.63% to -0.58%), city bus fare (3.42% to 0.90%), formal courses (10.70% to 0.00%), clothing (-0.40% to -0.46%), notary office (7.55% to 2.56%), and mobile phone rate (1.12% to 0.16%), respectively.

On the other hand, the Housing (0.06% to 0.27%) and Health and Personal Care (0.23% to 0.32%) groups showed higher variation rates. The main contributing items in these categories were household power rate (-0.62% to 0.38%) and personal care and hygiene items (-0.27% to 0.26%), respectively.

The complete study is available, in Portuguese, on the website.