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President of Brazil's Central Bank gives opening lecture at FGV EPGE

The theme of the lecture will be “Monetary Policy: Current Issues”.


The President of the Central Bank of Brazil, professor Ilan Goldfajn, will host the opening lecture of the Undergraduate Course in Economics of FGV’s Brazilian School of Economics and Finance (EPGE), at 2 p.m. on March 24.

The theme of the lecture will be “Monetary Policy: Current Issues”, addressing the main issues regarding this subject and how they affect the Economy in all aspects.

Ilan Goldfajn holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics from UFRJ, a Master’s degree in Economics from PUC-RJ, and a PhD in Economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Before taking over the Central Bank, Goldfajn was chief economist of the bank Itaú.

Please visit the website, in Portuguese, to learn more about this guest-only event.