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Specialists debate post-COVID prospects for Brazilian fuel market

The participants will discuss the consequences of social distancing measures for fuel and biofuel demand in Brazil, alongside Petrobras’ refinery divestments and their impacts for fuel supply in the country.

Specialists debate post-COVID prospects for Brazilian fuel market

On June 29, FGV Energy will hold a webinar called “Prospects for the Brazilian Fuel Market After COVID-19.” The event will be broadcast live on FGV’s YouTube channel as of 6 pm. The participants will discuss the consequences of social distancing measures for fuel and biofuel demand in Brazil, alongside Petrobras’ refinery divestments and their impacts for fuel supply in the country.

The speakers will be Cláudio Oliveira, of Raízen; Heloise Esteves, of the government’s Energy Research Company (EPE); Marisa Barros, of the Mining and Energy Ministry; Patrícia Huguenin, of the National Oil Agency; and Claudio Mastella, of Petrobras. The moderators will be Fernanda Delgado of FGV Energy and Felipe Maciel of energy news website EPBR.

The guests will discuss how to take forward this complex agenda in an environment that demands creativity and dynamism of companies, the government, academia and society, as well as other subjects related to Brazil’s downstream energy industry.

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