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Specialists discuss ways forward for basic education during COVID-19 pandemic

The event will discuss the present situation and strategies to overcome the COVID-19 crisis, particularly educational and logistical issues related to the resumption of teaching activities after the pandemic and the role of technology as an ally in this process.

Specialists discuss ways forward for basic education during COVID-19 pandemic

On Thursday, April 30, at 6 pm, the FGV´s EPGE Brazilian School of Economics and Finance (FGV EPGE) will hold a webinar titled “Ways Forward for Basic Education in Light of COVID-19.” The event, to be broadcast live via Zoom, will feature specialists and professionals who work at some of the country’s main education networks.

The event will discuss the present situation and strategies to overcome the COVID-19 crisis, particularly educational and logistical issues related to the resumption of teaching activities after the pandemic and the role of technology as an ally in this process.

The debate’s participants will be José Henrique Paim, a former education minister and the director of the FGV´s Center for the Development of Public Management and Educational Policy (FGV DGPE); Anselmo Chagas de Paiva, the president of São Bento University; Bruno Elias Pires, the CEO of Eleva Educação; and Raimundo Nonato Oliveira Barros, the director of the Jesuit Basic Education Network in Brazil. The dean of FGV EPGE, Professor Rubens Penha Cysne, will be the moderator.

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