Summer inflation climbs 9.25% in Brazil, according to FGV
The main inflation villains were airline tickets (35.92%), light/diet soft drinks (16.16%), and fruit (14.99%), which recorded the most significant upsurges.

Summer Inflation – average prices of the most used products and services in the season – was 9.25% higher this year, above the accrued inflation rate between January and December 2016. The rate was assessed by the Brazilian Institute of Economics (IBRE), based on data from the Consumer Price Index (IPC-BR), which closed the year at 6.18%.
According to the Institute, the main inflation villains were airline tickets (35.92%), light/diet soft drinks (16.16%), and fruit (14.99%), which recorded the most significant upsurges. Other products and services with high demand this time of year, such as beer (9.35%), out-of-home ice cream (8.76%), and sunscreen products (7.40%) also increased.
On the other hand, and still according to the survey by IBRE economist André Braz, the items yerba mate (-12.05%), hotel (-1.62%), and tour (-1.56%) recorded price decreases.
Click here to view the complete study, available in Portuguese.
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