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FGV offers renowned educational programs, creating the country's new leadership. Be part of this transformation.

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FGV Entrance Exam

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FGV News

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De São Paulo a Buenos Aires: a jornada de um executivo no setor automotivo

From São Paulo to Buenos Aires: the journey of an executive in the automotive sector

Webinar analisa influência cultural e econômica da Coreia do Sul no Brasil
International Relations

Webinar analyzes South Korea's cultural and economic influence in Brazil

FGV e União Europeia capacitam profissionais para resolução de disputas internacionais

FGV and the European Union train professionals in international dispute resolution

Encontro Seleção de Talentos chega à 10ª edição com programação especial no Paraná
Applied Mathematics

Talent Selection Meeting reaches 10th edition with special program in Paraná

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Mês da Mulher: Elas Criam o Futuro

Em celebração ao Dia Internacional da Mulher, a FGV destaca o protagonismo feminino na academia e na sociedade. A série "Elas Criam o Futuro" apresenta alunas, professoras, pesquisadoras e colaboradoras que impulsionam a inovação e o conhecimento. Acompanhe e inspire-se.

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Economic Indexes

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FGV develops research that serves as a basis for global debates between researchers and representatives from the public and private sectors.

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Experience applied in management and assistance to public and private organizations, in Brazil and abroad. 


Technical consultancy

FGV Projetos | FGV Europe

Competitions and educational assessments

FGV Conhecimento
FGV Initiatives

Knowledge shared with society


FGV Publishing House

The FGV publishing house offers its readers publications of excellence in various areas of knowledge, always with the aim of contributing to the improvement of education and research in the country.