Event looks at academic opportunities and challenges

The aim is to discuss effective strategies for developing and strengthening our ability to deal with adversity, overcome challenges and grow as people.
09 五月 2023
Event looks at academic opportunities and challenges

Everyone faces adversity throughout their lives, and knowing how to deal with this is fundamental for our personal, academic and professional development. Accordingly, Fundação Getulio Vargas’ Education Support Center (FGV NAP) and Internship and Career Development Center (FGV NEDC), together with Paloma Almeida, a visiting professor at FGV and Rio de Janeiro Catholic University, are holding a webinar called “Transforming Challenges into Opportunities: Developing Resilience in Academic and Professional Life.”

The aim is to discuss effective strategies for developing and strengthening our ability to deal with adversity, overcome challenges and grow as people. The event will be livestreamed on FGV’s YouTube channel on May 16, at 6 pm.

The moderators will be the coordinator of FGV NAP, Helena Giolito; and the coordinator of FGV NEDC, Beralda Lima.

To take part, please sign up here.

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