Documentary features specialists reflecting on fake news and democracy in Brazil
Project questions and reflects on spread of fake news, the role of the media and the use of bots on social networks

The director of Fundação Getulio Vargas’ Department of Public Policy Analysis (FGV DAPP), Marco Aurelio Ruediger, is one of the interviewees in a documentary called “A Verdade da Mentira” (“The Truth About Lies”), launched on October 26. The film reflects on fake news and democracy in Brazil. As well as Ruediger, FGV DAPP coordinators Amaro Grassi and Lucas Calil also appear.
The documentary, which is now available on streaming platforms, was made in the context of Brazil’s 2018 presidential elections. It poses questions and reflects on the spread of fake news, the role of the media and the use of bots, as well as people’s relationship with social networks and information or disinformation.
Journalist Petria Chaves talks to her peers, the founders of fact-checking agencies, specialists in digital production and marketing, academics and researchers in the digital realm and human behavior.
The interviewees also include Angela Pimenta, the president of Projor; Laura Chinchilla, ex-president of Costa Rica and Organization of American States observer; Pedro Dória, the editor of Canal Meio; Cristina Tardágila, the founder of Agência Lupa; and Thiago Rondon, the director of IT&E.
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