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Event discusses challenges and strategies in fight against fake news

This public event will take place on April 27, at 6 pm, on FGV’s YouTube channel.

Event discusses challenges and strategies in fight against fake news

To mark Anti-Fake News Day in Brazil, April 3, Fundação Getulio Vargas’ School of Communication, Media and Information (FGV ECMI) is holding a webinar called “Challenges and Strategies in the Fight Against Fake News.” This public event will take place on April 27, at 6 pm, on FGV’s YouTube channel.

To debate the main challenges in tackling disinformation in the context of digital communication, the school invited Natália Leal, the CEO of Lupa; Lorena Regattieri, senior fellow in trustworthy AI at the Mozilla Foundation; Rafael Evangelista, a professor on the Scientific and Cultural Dissemination Graduate Program at Campinas State University; and Victor Piaia, a professor at FGV ECMI.

Disinformation has become a serious problem in the digital communication ecosystem, posing many problems for democracies and different areas of our society. Circulating on different platforms and in different formats, fake news directly impacts contemporary communication flows, especially in the field of politics.

The webinar is part of the 2023 Digital Communication Cycle, a series of free public activities to discuss fundamental themes for digital communication, organized by FGV ECMI.

To take part, please sign up here.