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Event launches study on content creation market in Brazil

Professionals and researchers in the field will also discuss areas of activity, practices, skills, media platforms and ways of monetizing content.

Event launches study on content creation market in Brazil

The global creator economy is now worth US$250 billion a year and it could reach US$480 billion by 2027. There are around 300 million content creators in the world, and Brazil is one of the countries with the highest number: around 20 million in 2023. The expectation is that the market surrounding these actors will continue to grow, generating jobs and income.

To understand how this sector works, Fundação Getulio Vargas’ School of Communication, Media and Information (FGV ECMI), with the support of Hotmart, carried out a study titled “Socioeconomic Impact of the Creator Economy in Brazil: Present Situation and Trends,” which will be launched on October 17, at 2:30 p.m., in FGV’s main building.

To begin with, the study’s results will be presented. After that, there will be a panel discussion featuring researchers and professionals from the content creation market to discuss the study’s findings and talk about areas of activity, practices, skills, media platforms and ways of monetizing this new ecosystem.

Currently, the process of producing and distributing content in digital environments involves entrepreneurs and companies, and the socioeconomic impact of this market is becoming increasingly significant.

“From the results of the study, we realized that the creator economy is booming in Brazil and it has generated many job and income opportunities for those who want to work in the content production ecosystem, which is becoming more professional every day,” says FGV ECMI professor Beatriz Pinheiro, one of the study’s authors.

The study was carried out by FGV ECMI with the support of Hotmart, an online platform for the sale and distribution of digital products, in order to map the present context of the creator economy in Brazil. The study estimated the economic impact of digital businesses on the lives and income of content producers and on the digital business market in Brazil.

FGV’s main building, 12th-floor auditorium
190 Praia de Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro

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