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FGV, Aberje and Itaú Foundation host former soccer star and social entrepreneur Raí for masterclass

Event marks the start of the first edition of the Professional Master’s in Digital Communication and Data Culture Program, the result of a partnership between the three institutions.

FGV, Aberje and Itaú Foundation host former soccer star and social entrepreneur Raí for masterclass

Fundação Getulio Vargas’ School of Communication, Media and Information (FGV ECMI), the Brazilian Business Communication Association (Aberje) and the Itaú Foundation are holding a masterclass for their Professional Master’s in Digital Communication and Data Culture Program on September 10, from 9 a.m. to midday, at the FGV Cultural Center in Rio de Janeiro.

Former soccer player and social entrepreneur Raí Souza Vieira de Oliveira (commonly known as just Raí) will be the keynote speaker, discussing his record at the helm of the Gol de Letra Foundation, a sports NGO. Raí, who has a master’s in public policy from Sciences Po in Paris, is one of the most active voices in the Brazilian third sector, and throughout his career, he has shown the importance of the sector’s growth and professionalization.

The opening remarks will be given by FGV’s president, Carlos Ivan Simonsen Leal. Other speakers will include the dean of FGV ECMI, Marco Ruediger; the president of the Itaú Foundation, Eduardo Saron; and the president of Aberje, Paulo Nassar, who is also a professor at the University of Sao Paulo.

During the event, FGV ECMI, Aberje and the Itaú Foundation will receive and celebrate the first class to take the Master’s in Digital Communication and Data Culture Program, made up of 30 professionals who mainly work in the third sector on social impact, diversity and inclusion projects. All of them have been awarded a full tuition fee scholarship.

The event is open to the public, but spaces are limited. To take part, please sign up here.