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FGV ECMI forms partnership with European Union for project to strengthen democracy

Fact-checking agency Lupa, DRI and FGV Rio de Janeiro Law School join FGV ECMI’s latest initiative to contribute to integrity of digital environments.

FGV ECMI forms partnership with European Union for project to strengthen democracy

Fundação Getulio Vargas’ School of Communication, Media and Information (FGV ECMI) has formed a partnership with the European Union to help strengthen Brazilian democracy, the integrity of digital spaces and the quality of online information. This initiative is a research project run in partnership with fact-checking platform Lupa; Democracy Reporting International (DRI), a German public debate analysis center; and the FGV Rio de Janeiro Law School’s Diversity and Inclusion Program and Center for Technology and Society.

The Media and Democracy initiative has three main areas of work: monitoring and analysis of digital media; fact-checking; and the creation of a council to serve as a public forum to promote positive dialogue, involving researchers, civil society, representatives of the public authorities and platforms. All the work is focused on debate regarding gender issues, racial inequality, minority people’s rights, hate speech and other important subjects in Brazilian politics.

Public debate on social networks will be monitored weekly and monthly resolutions will be issued every month to underpin meetings held every two months in order to propose solutions for society. The work done by FGV is led by FGV ECMI, which will present analytical contributions made by the FGV Rio de Janeiro Law School, concentrating on the area of gender. The initiative will run for between one and three years, as part of the school’s agenda to promote high-quality public debate and strengthen democracy.

To find out more about FGV ECMI, visit its website.