FGV hands out awards for studies regarding surveys and economic cycles at 2024 CIRET Conference
The awards were for best paper, best work by a young researcher (under 35) and innovative research

Fundação Getulio Vargas’ Brazilian Institute of Economics (FGV IBRE) took part in this year’s annual conference of the Zurich-based Centre for International Research on Economic Tendency Surveys (CIRET), the foremost international forum for institutions and researchers that produce trend surveys and study economic cycles.
The annual conference’s discussions and workshops present cutting-edge work related to these surveys, with an emphasis on using the data obtained from surveys in economic indicators and analysis. In 2024, the special theme of the CIRET Conference was studies on inflation expectations – information that is obtained from both consumer and business surveys.
The studies presented at the conference show how indicators can anticipate inflation trends and help improve inflation forecasting models. One of them, for example, shows how price forecasts obtained from surveys can anticipate the evolution of wholesale prices by several months, and wholesale prices in turn anticipate inflation trends at the consumer level.
Significant international role
“FGV IBRE’s participation in CIRET’s conferences and workshops has been fundamental in making informed decisions about the development of our trend survey system over the years. In addition, many international partnerships have emerged from these interactions, resulting in the creation of new lines of research and indicators, such as the Leading Indicator for the Brazilian Economy, in collaboration with the Conference Board, and the Global Barometers, in partnership with the University of Zurich and the Swiss Economic Institute (KOF) at ETH Zurich,” says FGV IBRE’s public statistics superintendent, Aloisio Campelo.
During CIRET’s annual conference, the Isaac Kerstenetzky Awards – organized by FGV since 2008 – are handed out. There are three award categories:
- Isaac Kerstenetzky Award: for the best overall paper;
- Isaac Kerstenetzky Young Economist Award: for the best work by a young researcher (under 35);
- Isaac Kerstenetzky Scholarly Achievement Award: for a researcher who has contributed greatly to knowledge in the area of surveys and economic cycles.
This year, FGV IBRE was represented at the conference by its public statistics superintendent, Aloisio Campelo; its business surveys and labor market indicators coordinator, Rodolpho Tobler; and its deputy director, Vagner Ardeo.
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