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They Create the Future: the role of women at FGV and their transformative projects

How the work of FGV students, professors and researchers is creating a more inclusive and transformative future.

Elas Criam o Futuro: o papel das mulheres na FGV e seus projetos transformadores

In the month in which we celebrate International Women's Day, FGV Notícias is launching the special series "They Create the Future", highlighting female protagonists within the institution. The initiative seeks to highlight the impact and relevance of the work of female students, professors, researchers and collaborators who, in different areas of knowledge, contribute to academic production and the development of society.

Here are the inspiring stories of four women who are part of FGV and who, through their research, projects and academic work, are shaping the future.

Transforming justice: Maria Cecília de Araujo Asperti

FGV Direito SP professor Maria Cecília de Araujo Asperti believes that her mission goes beyond the classroom. "I feel it's a responsibility inherent to teaching and absolutely necessary in this day and age. My goal, every day, is for students to see their role in society and feel compelled to fight for social change", he says.

One of his great contributions to FGV was founding the Saracura Legal Assistance Center (CAJU), which is now run by the students themselves. The initiative offers free legal assistance and popular legal advice and strategic litigation, always with a commitment to guaranteeing access to justice for those who need it most.

Valuing invisible work: Isabela Duarte Kelly

At the Brazilian Institute of Economics (FGV IBRE), economic research technician Isabela Duarte Kelly carried out a study that revealed some impressive data: if they were paid for, domestic chores and unpaid care in the home would account for 13% of Brazil's GDP. Her article "How much is maternal love worth? Just hugs and kisses?", published on the IBRE Blog, seeks to give visibility to unpaid work, which is mostly carried out by women.

"I feel hope for a more diverse labor market," says Isabela. Her research reinforces the need for this effort to be recognized and encourages debate on public policies that value the role of women in the economy.

Knowledge to empower: Maria Carolina Medeiros

Maria Carolina Medeiros, a professor at FGV Comunicação, takes her commitment to research and teaching into and out of the classroom. As well as teaching subjects on the Digital Communication course, she maintains a podcast that has already been recorded at FGV and reaches many female students. The aim is to discuss issues related to female socialization, a central theme of her research.

"It's gratifying to help young women feel empowered through knowledge. The role of the teacher is to lead, motivate and inspire other generations", says Maria Carolina. Her work helps to create a space for reflection and learning, encouraging women to conquer their spaces in communication and the digital market.

Inspiring future economists: Perla Rocha

Perla Rocha, a student on the academic master's degree at FGV EPGE, is following a path of dedication and excellence in the field of economics. A former undergraduate student, she has already spent more than five years in academic activities and tutoring, having assisted professors in six different subjects. For her, teaching is a process of mutual learning. "I realized that learning reached a new level when I faced the challenge of teaching," she says.

In an environment that is still mostly male, Perla feels proud to be able to be a figure of encouragement for other women who want to pursue a career in economics. "I feel that my example can inspire mainly female students, who are still an absolute minority in all economics classes, and I can be for them the figure of encouragement that I found in my professors during my undergraduate and now postgraduate studies," she says.

They create the future

Each of these women, with their stories and trajectories, demonstrates that the future is built with knowledge, dedication and the courage to pave the way for generations to come. FGV is proud to have so many brilliant women who, every day, transform reality and inspire change. On this International Women's Day, we celebrate these voices that make a difference and reinforce the importance of continuing to expand spaces so that more women can create the future.