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They Create the Future: the impact of FGV women on society

Professors, researchers and students share their experiences and challenges in various areas of knowledge.

Elas criam o futuro: o impacto das mulheres da FGV na sociedade

In March, we celebrate International Women's Day, and FGV celebrates the achievements and fundamental work of female students, professors, researchers and collaborators who transform the institution and society. To mark the date, FGV Notícias is publishing a special series highlighting the production and impact of these women in various areas of knowledge.

The "They create the future" campaign seeks to value and give visibility to the work of these professionals, showing how their initiatives and research inspire new generations and promote structural changes in Brazil and the world.

Education and inspiration: shaping new generations

Professor Eloísa Machado de Almeida, from the São Paulo Law School (FGV Direito SP), coordinates the Supremo em Pauta project, which studies the workings and decisions of the Federal Supreme Court. For her, contributing to legal education in a theoretical and practical way is a great satisfaction. "I'm happy to teach law in theory and practice, in subjects that contribute to a humanistic and technical education", she says.

Rogiene Santos, a professor at the São Paulo Business School (FGV EAESP), uses her experience to guide students who dream of studying abroad. One of her initiatives was a lecture on financial education for exchange programs, helping students to better plan this experience. "Exchange is often seen as something distant for financial reasons. Being able to help more students plan and make this experience possible is a great motivator.", she emphasizes.

For Renata Tomaz, coordinator of the undergraduate program at the School of Communication, Media and Information (FGV Comunicação), teaching means transforming lives. She worked on the implementation of the FGV School of Communication and sees teaching as a great commitment. "Every time I prepare to go into the classroom, I feel the responsibility of responding to the demands of a generation," she says.

Research and innovation: building a fairer future

The work of women at FGV also stands out in research and science. Researcher Débora de Oliveira Medeiros, from the School of Applied Mathematics (FGV EMAp), was selected for the first edition of the Marília Chaves Peixoto Chair, an initiative to encourage female researchers in the areas of Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Data Science. "I'm honored to have the opportunity to inspire other women to build a career in the exact sciences", she says. She is currently working on a mathematical model to analyze vaccination and dengue control strategies, in partnership with professors Paulo Amorim and Maria Soledad Aronna.

Another FGV EMAp researcher, Beatriz Laiate, is working on the Mosqlimate project, led by Professor Flávio Codeço Coelho. The research monitors arboviruses across the country, contributing to the fight against mosquito-borne diseases. "I hope to see more women in applied mathematics in the future and that our work will influence education at various levels," says Beatriz.

Social impact and public policies

The women of FGV are also directly involved in formulating public policies that have an impact on society. Professor Tathiane Piscitelli, from FGV Direito SP, developed proposals for Tax Reform that led to the inclusion of menstrual hygiene products in the list of goods taxed at a zero rate. Her work has also contributed to the debate on fairer taxation to mitigate gender and racial inequalities. "Building a tax law that is more in line with the objectives of our Constitution is fundamental to overcoming structural inequalities," she explains.

The future is theirs

The commitment and excellence of these women demonstrate how their research, projects and initiatives are essential to transforming FGV and society. By giving visibility to these trajectories, the special FGV Notícias series reinforces the importance of recognizing and valuing the impact of women in all areas of knowledge.

Throughout March, you'll be able to follow more special content highlighting other inspiring stories of women creating the future. Stay tuned for upcoming publications.

Check out the special: