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FGV ranked among companies that best communicate with journalists for fifth time

The ranking was unveiled at an awards ceremony held on November 7, which was attended by representatives of companies recognized for their good relations with Brazil’s main media outlets.

FGV ranked among companies that best communicate with journalists for fifth time

For the fifth time, Fundação Getulio Vargas has been ranked among the companies that best communicate with journalists. The institution was recognized in the Education category in a ranking produced by the Communication Business Platform and the Center for Communication Studies (CECOM). The ranking was unveiled at an awards ceremony held on November 7, which was attended by representatives of companies recognized for their good relations with Brazil’s main media outlets.

The 13th edition of the Companies That Best Communicate with Journalists Survey was carried out in 2023. The aim of this annual survey is to identify and highlight companies that value transparency and the maintenance of democracy through good communication with the press. More than 25,000 journalists took part in the survey, selecting three winning companies in 30 sectors in a free and direct manner.

“Once again receiving recognition from media professionals is a source of pride for FGV as a whole and it underscores the commitment of our Communications and Marketing Division to strengthening the FGV brand. Over the years, we have developed a channel of mutual trust with journalists, bringing the knowledge produced by our professors and researchers to society as a whole,” said the director of FGV’s Communications and Marketing Division, Marcos Facó.

As the world’s third biggest think tank, FGV is a leader in the dissemination of studies, economic indexes and surveys, thereby aiding public policy making. The institution stands out for its production of public goods that contribute to Brazil’s socioeconomic development. In this context, FGV professors and researchers actively participate in national and international public debate, helping society understand key subjects reported on by the press. The national and international press’ trust in FGV is the result of collaboration and credibility built up over the course of its history.