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FGV researcher speaks at Rio Legislative Assembly inquiry into cyber violence against women

The inquiry sought to ascertain the causes of cyber violence against women in the state of Rio de Janeiro and ways of preventing and combating it, while also taking into account how these forms of violence are structured.

FGV researcher speaks at Rio Legislative Assembly inquiry into cyber violence against women

Letícia Sabbatini, a researcher at Fundação Getulio Vargas’ School of Communication, Media and Information (FGV ECMI), spoke at an inquiry into combating cyber violence against women, held by the Rio de Janeiro State Legislative Assembly on September 21, 2023.

The inquiry sought to ascertain the causes of cyber violence against women in the state of Rio de Janeiro and ways of preventing and combating it, while also taking into account how these forms of violence are structured. The meeting was attended by state representatives Luiz Paulo (Social Democratic Party), Índia Armelau (Liberal Party) and the chairwoman of a caucus group on this issue, Marta Rocha (Democratic Labor Party). In addition to Letícia Sabbatini, Rafael Wanderley, a lawyer and author of the “Maria da Penha” app, also took part. The Maria da Penha Program is a long-standing initiative run by the Rio de Janeiro State Court of Appeals to expand access to the protection network for female victims of violence in Rio de Janeiro.

Sabbatini, who authored the “Map of Gender Political Violence on Digital Platforms,” presented data on gender violence committed on prominent social networks. She stressed the importance of tackling this issue head-on. “The understanding is that when violence takes place on digital platforms, it becomes more ‘slippery’ and harder to map and build a materiality framework in order to combat it,” she said.

The inquiry focused on problems relating to manifestations of online violence and gaps in understanding that are most harmful to democracy. It also analyzed how social platforms are also spaces that can allow this type of content to be disseminated and passed on to other users.