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FGV signs cooperation agreement with ITA to develop projects

The idea is to combine the expertise of one of Brazil’s leading engineering schools with FGV’s excellence in developing projects and products to meet future needs.

FGV signs cooperation agreement with ITA to develop projects

Fundação Getulio Vargas and Brazil’s Aeronautical Technology Institute (ITA) have just signed a cooperation agreement. The idea is to combine the expertise of one of Brazil’s leading engineering schools with FGV’s excellence in developing projects and products to meet future needs.

Coordinated by the deputy director of Fundação Getulio Vargas’ Brazilian Institute of Economics (FGV IBRE), Vagner Ardeo, the partnership aims to promote institutional exchange and cooperation in the areas of the social sciences, economics, mathematics, process technology and management. This will involve scientific research and the application of knowledge in an integrated manner, at the highest level, encompassing several different educational institutions and research centers. 

Ardeo says he is delighted by this partnership, especially since he is an ITA alumnus. “FGV can make a huge contribution to improving ITA. This applies to all FGV’s schools and units, which will all be involved in some way in this agreement,” he says. 

He notes that ITA is opening a new campus in Fortaleza, northeastern Brazil and it plans to expand its activities in certain fields. In the context of regional development efforts and other possible initiatives, FGV will be able to make a major contribution to the success of this project, especially via the Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration (FGV EBAPE).

In addition to this project, there is another one under way, called Route 20/30, focusing on technological and market issues associated with the Brazilian automotive industry, coordinated by Professor Luiz Carlos Di Serio of the Sao Paulo School of Business Administration (FGV EAESP) and Professor Emília Villani of ITA. During discussions, ITA expressed significant interest in the problem-based learning methodology employed by the Sao Paulo School of Economics (FGV EESP), which could prove very useful in developing this project.

Another area of interest for the two institutions is data science. Professor Hitoshi Nagano, also a former ITA student, will coordinate joint work in this field.