FGV welcomes applications for the 2018 University Admission Exam
There are 785 vacancies, distributed through the schools in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, of which 61 are for international selection processes. Classes will begin in the first semester next year.

Starting today, July 3, Fundação Getulio Vargas is accepting applications for the 2018 University Admission Exam. There are 785 vacancies, distributed through the schools in Rio de Janeiro (Administration, Social Sciences, Law, Economics, and Applied Mathematics) and Sao Paulo (Public Administration, Business Administration – Day and Evening Classes, Law, and Economics). Classes will begin in the first semester next year.
In Rio de Janeiro, candidates have until September 26 at 6 p.m. to register, and will take the exam on October 15 (Sunday). In Sao Paulo, candidates must register until October 10, and will take the exam between October 29 and December 10, depending on the school. Registrations via the National High School Exam (ENEM) will be accepted until January 12 next year, except for the Sao Paulo School of Administration, for which registrations will end on November 30 this year.
Both selection processes – National High School Exam and University Admission Exam – have special conditions until August 11, and the exam locations will be disclosed on the FGV University Admission Exam website. There will also be a selection process for foreign applicants.
What’s new about this year’s selection process is the opening of an evening class for Business Administration in Sao Paulo, with 50 vacancies. Selection depends on the grades obtained in the university admission exam or the National High School Exam (ENEM). If candidates choose to try both forms of entry, they should register for both processes. The other news is that Sao Paulo Law School (Direito SP) will also accept ENEM grades for entry as of this year.
In Rio de Janeiro, FGV offers 100 vacancies for Administration (40 via the university admission exam, 40 via ENEM, and 20 vacancies for international selection processes); 100 for Economics (70 via the university admission exam and 30 via ENEM); 50 for Social Sciences (40 via the university admission exam and 10 via ENEM); 50 for Law (40 via the university admission exam and 10 via ENEM); and 30 for Applied Mathematics (24 via the university admission exam and 6 via ENEM).
In Sao Paulo, there are 50 vacancies for Public Administration (41 via ENEM and 9 vacancies for international selection processes); 250 for Business Administration – 200 for the day classes and 50 for the evening classes (113 via the university admission exam, 112 via ENEM, and 25 vacancies for international selection processes); 75 for Economics (70 via the university admission exam and 5 vacancies for international selection processes); and 80 for Law (64 via the university admission exam, 14 via ENEM, and 2 vacancies for international processes).
Applicants who have finished or are finishing High School at a public school in Brazil or who have been granted a 100% scholarship in institutions in the private network throughout high school may request exemption from the registration fee. The deadline is September 18 in Rio and October 3 in Sao Paulo.
Go to the website for more information and to register for the FGV University Admission Exam.
Calendar of university admission exams
All courses in Rio de Janeiro
October 15, 2017
Sao Paulo
- Business Administration – Sao Paulo School of Business Administration (EAESP)
1st phase: December 3, 2017;
2nd phase: To be announced on January 5, 2018.
- Economics – Sao Paulo School of Economics (EESP)
1st phase – November 19, 2017;
2nd phase – December 10, 2017.
- Law – Sao Paulo Law School (Direito SP)
1st phase – October 29, 2017
2nd phase – November 2, 2017.
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