GVcenn discusses Corporate Governance in family-controlled companies

The Center for Entrepreneurship and New Business (GVcenn) at São Paulo School of Business Administration (FGV/EAESP) will hold, on November 28th, the workshop Corporate Governance - the Randon case, with the testimony of Randon Group's stockholder, Maurien Randon Barbosa.The event aims to discuss the challenges of Corporate Governance in family-controlled companies - such as family agreement and the choice of the successor in the company's management - through the experience of one of the largest family-controlled business groups in Brazil.Professors Ana Rita Bittencourt Schlatter and Rogério Faé Rodrigues will be the mediators of the workshop, which will take place at 7 pm in the Berrini auditorium, in São Paulo.For more information, please click here (in Portuguese).
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