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Retrospective 2019: FGV stays on top of Education Ministry’s national course ranking

The FGV´s EPGE Brazilian School of Economics and Finance (FGV EPGE) is top of the ranking for the fourth consecutive year, followed by the FGV´s School of Social Sciences (FGV CPDOC) in second place and the FGV´s Sao Paulo School of Economics (FGV EESP) in third place.

Retrospective 2019: FGV stays on top of Education Ministry’s national course ranking

Fundação Getulio Vargas has been recognized once again for its excellence in education. The results of the 2018 General Course Index (IGC 2018) were released yesterday, December 12, by the Education Ministry’s National Institute for Educational Studies and Research (INEP). FGV came first out of all the country’s higher education institutions. The FGV´s EPGE Brazilian School of Economics and Finance (FGV EPGE) came top of the ranking for the fourth consecutive year, followed by the FGV´s School of Social Sciences (FGV CPDOC) in second place and the FGV´s Sao Paulo School of Economics (FGV EESP) in third place.

“I would like to congratulate FGV EPGE, which has once again obtained the honorable status of best school in the country. This position is hard to win, and even harder to maintain,” said FGV’s provost for education, research and graduate studies, Professor Antonio Freitas.

All FGV’s schools that were evaluated by INEP received the maximum possible score (5) in IGC 2018. The FGV´s Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration (FGV EBAPE), FGV´s Sao Paulo Law School, FGV´s School of Applied Mathematics (FGV EMAp), FGV´s Rio de Janeiro Law School and FGV´s Sao Paulo School of Business Administration (FGV EAESP) all had their excellence acknowledged by the Education Ministry.

“The differences in IGC scores between higher education institutions can be extremely small. But that’s how the system works, and the excellent schools stand out. I congratulate all FGV’s students, professors, researchers and employees for the exceptional results obtained. And I mustn’t fail to mention the foundation’s senior management, which has spared no efforts to achieve this success,” said Professor Freitas.

Of the 2,052 universities evaluated by IGC 2018, only 42 obtained a score of 5. Every year, the Education Ministry releases the IGC results, based on the weighted average of the scores of each institution’s undergraduate and graduate courses. This is a broad way of gauging the quality of institutions, encompassing their undergraduate, master’s and PhD courses.

To access IGC 2018’s complete results, click here.