Retrospective 2021: University Guide: FGV undergraduate courses among best in Brazil
The FGV received more top scores than any other private sector institution in the country.

Seven Fundação Getulio Vargas undergraduate courses received the maximum possible score in the 2021 edition of the University Guide, published by Quero Educação in partnership with the newspaper O Estado de S.Paulo. The following FGV courses were given five stars: Administration (FGV EBAPE), Public Administration and Business Administration (FGV EAESP), Economics (FGV EPGE and FGV EESP), Law (FGV Rio de Janeiro Law School) and Applied Mathematics (FGV EMAp). As a result, FGV received more top scores than any other private sector institution in the country.
The University Guide uses a peer assessment methodology to analyze the quality of nearly 16,000 higher education courses across Brazil. In this process, the guide’s team works like a polling firm, collecting the opinions of thousands of professors.
The ranking was based on assessments by more than 9,500 higher education coordinators and professors who volunteered to act as evaluators for the University Guide. These education professionals were asked to give scores to courses in their fields, mainly involving institutions located in their part of the country.
To see the complete ranking, click here.
For more information about FGV’s undergraduate courses, click here.
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