Seminar explores tax reform proposals currently before Senate
The conclusions made at the seminar, called Reflections on Tax Reform, will be compiled and presented to lawmakers to support them as they refine Brazil’s new tax model.

FGV Knowledge will bring together legal and tax experts in the public and private sectors on August 21, at 8:30 am, to debate the tax reform proposals that the Senate is currently examining. The event will take place at the FGV Cultural Center in Rio de Janeiro.
The conclusions made at the seminar, called Reflections on Tax Reform, will be compiled and presented to lawmakers to support them as they refine Brazil’s new tax model.
The event is being coordinated by Justice Luis Felipe Salomão of the Superior Court of Appeals, who coordinates FGV Knowledge’s Center for Judicial Innovation, Administration and Research; and federal judge Marcus Abraham. The confirmed speakers include the president of the Senate (who also serves as the president of Congress), Rodrigo Pacheco; the tax reform’s rapporteur in the Senate, Eduardo Braga; the tax reform’s rapporteur in the House, Aguinaldo Ribeiro; the governor of Rio de Janeiro, Cláudio Castro; and the governor of Goiás, Ronaldo Caiado.
To see the complete program and sign up, click here.
FGV Cultural Center
186 Praia de Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro
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