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Specialists and public officials debate energy supplies and security at seminar

Brazil’s energy and power supplies are internationally renowned for their sustainability and security, but further progress is needed to incorporate new sources.

Specialists and public officials debate energy supplies and security at seminar

Today, climate change and the conflict in Ukraine pose challenges for the transition to the new low-carbon, energy-secure economy. Therefore, the energy sector must ensure decarbonization in good time, but without jeopardizing the system. In this context, FGV Energy held the 10th Seminar on Brazilian Energy Supplies and Security at the end of November.

Brazil’s energy and power supplies are internationally renowned for their sustainability and security, but further progress is needed to incorporate new sources, such as offshore wind and sustainable hydrogen, and without halting the virtuous cycle of oil and natural gas.

The topics discussed at this year’s edition of the seminar included the following:

- Oil and Gas – The Energy Transition;

- Oil and Gas – Downstream Situation;

- Liberalization of the Power Market;

- Gas-Electricity Integration;

- Offshore Wind.

The 10th Seminar on Brazilian Energy Supplies and Security was attended by numerous experts in this field, including former mining and energy minister Bento Albuquerque, Federal Representative Fernando Coelho and Senator Jean Paul Prates.

“What role does Brazil have in global energy transition efforts?” asked Senator Prates. “We are well prepared to perform this role and look for new opportunities and technologies to create a more sustainable world.”

Following Prates’ speech, former minister and admiral Bento Albuquerque discussed the energy transition, a hot topic at the moment. He predicted Brazil’s economic and energy performance in the next 10 to 20 years will depend on gaining investors’ trust and implementing appropriate energy policies.

Federal Representative Fernando Coelho stressed the political relevance of the government’s position in this area and the new team that will be chosen. “Following the recent elections, we are set to have a new government in Brazil, and we should wait for the new administration to appoint the people who will lead the Mining and Energy Ministry, so that we can talk to the new minister and his or her team,” he said.

He also highlighted energy price pressures and future prospects for the area. “We are seeing a lot of pressure regarding public electricity prices. I understand that, as we have already said, there is no single solution that will solve this problem. This is a journey that needs to be taken with everyone in the same direction,” he said.

Watch the first part of the event in this video

Watch the second part of the event in this video: