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STI & HIV World Congress 2017 features FGV professor as guest speaker

The International Congress on sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and HIV will be held in Rio de Janeiro.


The World Health Organization recently lifted the international state of emergency over the spread of the Zika virus. Nonetheless, experts say there is a high risk of a Zika epidemic this summer and insect repellents are still very important. One of the greatest Brazilian experts on the subject, Flávio Codeço Coelho, professor at FGV’s School of Applied Mathematics (EMAp), was invited to speak at the STI & HIV World Congress 2017.

The International Congress on sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and HIV will be held in Rio de Janeiro. Codeço will speak at the panel entitled “What is new to learn about sexual transmission of Zika and its complications,” discussing recent findings regarding the sexual transmission of the virus.

Specialized in arbovirus transmission dynamics, the EMAp professor is a member of the Brazilian Network of Experts in Zika and Related Diseases (Renezika), under the Department of Health, and is one of the people in charge of the Infodengue projects, which constantly monitors the risk of dengue fever in over 500 Brazilian municipalities, and InfoZika, a tool used to monitor research studies on the virus through a network of academic papers and centralize new findings regarding the Zika virus.