Summer School on Data Science 2025: event highlights emerging trends in Data Science
For four days, experts discussed topics related to the world of data.

Last month, the Getulio Vargas Foundation's School of Applied Mathematics (FGV EMAp) was once again home to an important event on Data Science. The Summer School on Data Science discussed topics such as statistics, machine learning, big data and artificial intelligence, providing a space for networking and learning exchanges between national and international experts in the field.
The program included theoretical foundations and practical applications, including four mini-courses on topics such as Data Visualization, Graph Neural Networks, Network Science and Machine Learning for Earth observations, taught by researchers Ana Tenório (FGV EMAp), Laura Rosa (WUR, Netherlands), Nivan Ferreira (UFPE) and Suzana Santos (UFABC).
In addition, participants attended 11 plenary lectures featuring renowned experts Andrea Britto (Microsoft), Claudio Silva (NYU), Daniel Civitarese (IBM), Deisy Gysi (UFPR), Diego Galeano (UNA, Paraguay), Erickson Nascimento (UFMG), Eduardo Laber (PUC-RJ), Gilson Costa (UERJ), João Paulo Gomes (UFC), Luis Gustavo Nonato (USP) and Vicente Ordones (Rice University).
According to Dário Oliveira, a professor at FGV EMAp and one of the event's coordinators, companies produce knowledge and also have financial resources, which is competitive with universities, which have always been a storehouse of ideas and talent. “We call on people who are exponents in the field of data science so that students can get to know the state of the art in the area and better define their own research projects and expand the boundaries of their own field,” said Dário.
Knowledge that has repercussions in international research
For Luis Gustavo Nonato, a professor at the Institute of Mathematical and Computer Sciences (ICMC) at the University of São Paulo (USP), the event has already become a tradition, acquiring a more solid body and more consistent participation with each edition. For him, highlighting the participation of companies and industry was an important differentiator in the 2025 edition. “This relationship between academia, private services and government will intensify even more with players entering this scenario,” he points out.
Microsoft Research, for example, was one of the market initiatives present at the Summer School on Data Science. Andrea Britto, Senior Research Software Engineer at the company, presented 3D models of patients in real time, with transmission to surgeons or health teams remotely. “This project has been developed with hospitals in Scotland and Ghana and has succeeded in promoting greater access to healthcare, especially on the African continent, where specialized medicine is less accessible,” she said.
Participants' words
Josue Malla, an academic at the Technical University of Machala (Ecuador), intends to apply the knowledge acquired at the event in his own research, which develops applications in business intelligence and data analysis. “I think this event was also an opportunity to get to know other cultures and languages, as well as making my country and my university known at international meetings like this,” said Malla.
Kauan Kevem, a student at FGV EMAp, is on vacation, but took the opportunity to supplement his knowledge at the Summer School: “It's great to take part in events like this, as I can keep up to date with the opportunities and initiatives I can take in this area.”
Projections for the future
With the success of the 2025 edition, FGV EMAp is already planning new initiatives to further consolidate the role of Data Science as a central and strategic area for technological and social advancement. Events like the Summer School reaffirm the School's commitment to training top-level professionals and encouraging research and development in a dynamic, collaborative and innovative learning environment.
The event was organized by FGV EMAp professors Alberto Paccanaro, Dário Oliveira, Diego Mesquita and Jorge Poco and was supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research - United States Air Force and the Carlos Chagas Filho Foundation for Research Support in the State of Rio de Janeiro - FAPERJ.
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