Understanding the Metaverse and its social construction is theme of online event
The aim is to prepare the audience for discussions that can generate exchanges capable of developing inclusive and rich environments for experiences in the Metaverse.

The Metaverse is under construction and there is no consensus on what it will be like in the near future. Technology and infrastructure are important factors, but they are not the only ones that will affect the development of Metaverse environments. In this context, Fundação Getulio Vargas’ School of Communication, Media and Information (FGV ECMI) is holding an event called “How Is the Metaverse Being Built?” It will take place on February 14, at 2 pm, on FGV’s official Facebook page.
Since 2021, mentions of the Metaverse have increased exponentially and much has been said about its technology agenda. However, to grasp all its implications, we need to go much further, as the Metaverse will depend on society’s understanding of it and its construction as an environment for dialogue, socialization and narratives that complement life outside the digital world.
It will be necessary to engage people and encourage them to use, appropriate and return to the Metaverse’s different places. For this reason, storytelling and design are crucial to solve problems associated with low usage of the spaces that have been built. During this debate, the participants will explore this situation and discuss the main things required to fully construct the Metaverse.
The aim is to prepare the audience for discussions that can generate exchanges capable of developing inclusive and rich environments for experiences in the Metaverse. That involves debating more than just technology-related aspects of the Metaverse and considering the importance of sociability, the creation of narratives, the historical context, design, engagement, psychological issues and so on.
The event’s moderator will be Professor Anna Bentes of FGV ECMI. The speakers will be Professor Eduardo Pellanda of Rio Grande do Sul Catholic University; Erick Martins, Meta’s strategic partnerships manager; and Rodrigo Terra, founding partner of Estudio Arvore.
To take part, please sign up here.
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