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Webinar discusses Metaverse and gender violence

According to Safernet Brasil, of hate crimes committed on the internet in 2021, misogyny was the most reported in Brazil in absolute numbers, accounting for 7,096 cases.

Webinar discusses Metaverse and gender violence

Thinking about and producing an environment in the Metaverse requires reflection on challenges for the development of an ecosystem capable of being safe and inclusive. In this context, Fundação Getulio Vargas’ School of Communication, Media and Information (FGV ECMI) is holding a webinar on March 14 called “The Metaverse and Gender Violence: How to Build a Safe Space for Women.” This online event will be livestreamed at 2 pm on FGV’s YouTube channel.

According to a report by the United Nations, one in five women around the world have experienced some form of violence in the digital environment. According to Safernet Brasil, of hate crimes committed on the internet in 2021, misogyny was the most reported in Brazil in absolute numbers, accounting for 7,096 cases.

This data underlines the importance of the debate to be held by FGV ECMI. During the event, specialists in the field will reflect on ways to turn these immersive environments into a welcoming place. The webinar will feature FGV ECMI professor Renata Tomaz; InternetLab’s culture and knowledge coordinator, Alice Lana; Meta’s Latin American wellness manager, Tais Niffinegger; and the executive director of Coding Rights, Joana Varon.

To take part, please sign up here.