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World Social Communications Day: Student reflects on digital technology

Digital communication offers a new and strategic way of seeing this area in the context of technology.

World Social Communications Day: Student reflects on digital technology

Today, May 31, is World Social Communications Day. The purpose of social communications is to study phenomena that occur due to the relationship between society and the mass media.

In addition to processes involving information, persuasion and entertainment of individuals and groups, which are explored by social communication, digital communication offers a new and strategic way of seeing this area in the context of technology.

To mark World Social Communications Day, we interviewed Bernardo Santinoni, a freshman digital communication student at Fundação Getulio Vargas’ School of Communication, Media and Information (FGV ECMI). He described his relationship with the course and why he believes that the communication profession can transform the world.

Why did you choose to study digital communication?

I didn’t know what course to take, but then I learned about FGV’s digital communication course, which covers some very interesting subjects. I always liked to explore my creativity and to communicate, so I opted for this course. 

How does your chosen profession contribute to society?

Communication is very comprehensive and it can be used in many ways for different purposes. However, in my opinion, the ability to show different perspectives on the same subject is the feature that adds the most to society and makes us grow as individuals.

How do you want to change the world in your profession?  

I’m not sure which path I’ll take within digital communication, but as the semesters go by, I believe I’ll define my path. But I know I want to try to make the world lighter. 


Founded in 2022, the School of Communication, Media and Information (FGV ECMI) is a pioneer in educating the new profile of professionals who will work in the strategic sectors of communication, media and information at public institutions, private companies and third sector organizations.

The school builds on FGV’s track record and FGV DAPP’s extensive experience in the application of technology and data science to innovate and propose solutions in the field of communication.

FGV ECMI combines highly qualified professors (educated in Brazil and other countries), an internationally recognized teaching method, an innovative curriculum, state-of-the-art laboratories, and student networking and work placement experiences.

To find out more about FGV ECMI, visit its website.

This article is part of a special series called Transforming the World. See the other publications in the series: