2016 Brazilian Supreme Federal Court rulings reviewed in book by FGV
The book compiles articles published throughout this turbulent year for Brazilian politics.

Lava-Jato [Car Wash] Operation, Impeachment and Political Reform. These were some of the many cases tackled by the Brazilian Supreme Federal Court (STF) in 2016, when Brazil’s eyes turned to this court and the 11 most important figures of the Brazilian justice system.
In order to address and break down the core issues, subjects and dilemmas faced by the Supreme Court last year, professors from FGV’s Rio de Janeiro Law School (Direito Rio) teamed up with Jota website and a group of researchers and practitioners of law to create a project titled “Supra: Supremo Interpretado” [Supra: Interpreting the Supreme Court]. The initiative ultimately led to the book “Onze Supremos: o Supremo em 2016” [Eleven Supremes: the Supreme Court in 2016], compiling all articles published throughout this turbulent year for Brazilian politics.
The book’s analyses and interpretations also portray the massive efforts behind each session of the Supreme Court to reassess the conventional covenants and notions of Brazilian public law, based on the actual problems faced every day in the country. Written in a collaborative approach, the book is a lesson in constitutional law.
The project’s analyses compiled in the book shed light onto the importance of the Supreme Court for Brazilian law and its democratic, transparent, efficient and independent development.
In addition to an in-depth analysis of the Supreme Court, the book articulately details the inner workings of our judicial and political institutions, sharing a cornucopia of knowledge extremely relevant not only for those interested in the law, but also to the general public.
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