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FGV conducts initiatives during coronavirus pandemic to continue to educate professionals of excellence

The chosen methodology – synchronous distance classes based on Zoom technology, combined with materials available online and recorded E-Classes – has been widely used by FGV since 2016, and it will help us tackle this difficult moment of global crisis.

FGV conducts initiatives during coronavirus pandemic to continue to educate professionals of excellence

FGV has adapted its in-person executive education programs so that everyone continues to have the opportunity to acquire knowledge and new skills during the coronavirus pandemic. As a result, you can attend the meetings from your home, in the present exceptional circumstances, until face-to-face classes can be reestablished.

The chosen methodology – synchronous distance classes based on Zoom technology, combined with materials available online and recorded E-Classes – has been widely used by FGV since 2016, and it will help us tackle this difficult moment of global crisis. In addition, this is an opportunity to develop digital skills and the ability to work in virtual teams, which will be essential for 21st-century leaders, according to the World Economic Forum.

Alongside this model, we will continue to offer our traditional short, medium and specialized distance courses – MBA Online and Online Graduate Programs.

We are certain that by using this technology, we will be able to get through the quarantine period imposed on us by the Covid-19 pandemic without any reduction in the quality of the services offered to our executive education students. We will continue to monitor the pandemic’s evolution in Brazil and act in line with the health authorities’ guidance to reduce the risk of transmission and minimize the disease’s impacts on our society. As soon as normal, safe conditions resume, we will return to our regular system of in-person classes.

To learn about our executive education programs, click here.