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FGV debates in New York the infrastructure challenges in Brazil

Today, FGV Projetos holds at the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce the III Brazil Infrastructure Investments Forum, which aims to deepen the debate on strategic areas of infrastructure and investment opportunities in Brazil. The event takes place in New York and will feature panel discussions on the latest developments in the airport, rail and port sectors, as well as in the areas of oil, gas and civil construction. Representing Brazil were the director of FGV Projetos, Cesar Campos Cunha, the Court of Audit's president, Benjamin Ziler, the Superior Court minister, João Otavio Noronha, the vice president of BNDES, João Carlos Ferraz, the president of Empresa de Transporte Ferroviário de Alta Velocidade, Bernardo Figueiredo, the founding partner of Justen, Pereira, Oliveira & Talamini Lawyers, Marçal Justen Filho, and the chairman of Azul Linhas Aéreas, David Neeleman.