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FGV Rio de Janeiro Law School and FGV Europe create Brazil-Europe learning hub

This initiative will help integrate Brazilian and European researchers, governments, universities and companies on issues that have a major impact on the business environment.

FGV Rio de Janeiro Law School and FGV Europe create Brazil-Europe learning hub

Fundação Getulio Vargas’ Rio de Janeiro Law School has expanded its international presence by forming a partnership with FGV Europe. Through a learning hub, the two organizations will structure FGV’s globalization initiatives aimed at teaching, research and the dissemination of knowledge.

The learning hub will help integrate Brazilian and European researchers, governments, universities and companies on issues that have a major impact on the business environment, such as the energy transition and forest legislation.

The initiative will also make it possible to expand exchange programs for professors and students, including the FGV Rio de Janeiro Law School’s teaching and research activities in Europe and visits to Brazil by FGV Europe researchers and fellows, fostering the exchange of experiences and scientific knowledge.

The two institutions will hold joint academic events on different research topics, contributing to the dissemination of knowledge and socioeconomic development in Brazil.