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FGV Rio de Janeiro Law School launches Railroad Regulation Committee

Working with academics, public officials and industry players, committee will be national hub for sector’s regulation.

FGV Rio de Janeiro Law School launches Railroad Regulation Committee

Fundação Getulio Vargas’ Rio de Janeiro Law School, in partnership with FGV Transport, has created a Railroad Regulation Committee. The initiative, part of the Regulation in Numbers Project, is designed to promote regulatory improvements required for the development of this strategic sector and the evolution of Brazil’s infrastructure. The committee will provide a neutral forum with governance rules to stimulate the production and dissemination of high-quality knowledge about the railroad sector, contributing to the continuous improvement of the regulated environment.

Composed of 29 specialists from the public and private sectors and regulatory bodies, with backgrounds in different areas of knowledge, the Railroad Regulation Committee held its inaugural meeting on June 14. Work meetings will take place quarterly, online, in addition to an annual in-person meeting in FGV’s main building in Rio de Janeiro.

The Railroad Regulation Committee will function as a national regulatory hub with multiple objectives, including analyzing and debating Brazilian railroad regulation; proposing improvements; creating individual and collective articles, technical reports, bulletins, podcasts, webinars and seminars on the subject; analyzing, discussing and proposing public policies involving railroad regulation; and highlighting important topics for master’s theses and doctoral dissertations within the scope of the FGV Rio de Janeiro Law School’s Graduate Regulatory Law Program.

Marcus Quintella, the director of FGV Transport, is the coordinator of the FGV Rio de Janeiro Law School’s Railroad Regulation Committee, which brings together a variety of industry stakeholders in a neutral environment, focused on high-quality discussion of sector regulation. The goal is to promote regulatory improvements needed for the development of this sector, which is so important for Brazil’s economic development and society.

“The Railroad Regulation Committee is very important and it was created at a time when there is a movement to expand the railroad network, particularly given the sector’s new legal framework. Therefore, discussion of issues involving concession-holders and the authorities is of great importance for consensus building and understanding to benefit the entire country. In an impartial, non-political, non-partisan way, in line with FGV’s principles, we will propose improvements for the sector,” Quintella says.

Created in 2017, the FGV Rio de Janeiro Law School’s Regulation in Numbers Project carries out research on regulation in Brazil. As well as new Railroad Regulation Committee, the project also has active regulatory committees in the areas of ports, airport infrastructure, insurance, pensions, and oil and gas.

One of the main goals of the Regulation in Numbers Project is to engage the FGV Rio de Janeiro Law School’s undergraduate, master’s and doctoral students in the activities of these different committees.

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