Webinar discusses challenges and opportunities of economic regulation of sanitation
The aim of this webinar is to discuss the current regulatory model, its paths and challenges, as well as opportunities for companies, law firms and academics looking to study the sector.

Fundação Getulio Vargas’ Sao Paulo Law School is holding a free webinar on the challenges and opportunities of economic regulation of sanitation. This public event will be livestreamed on FGV’s YouTube channel on September 6, at 10 a.m.
The event will be divided into two panel discussions. The first, from 10 a.m. to midday, will feature Cinthia Araújo, basic sanitation regulation superintendent at the National Water and Basic Sanitation Agency; Natalia Pereira Menezes, advisor to the Regulation and New Business Department at water and sewage company SABESP; Roberto Tavares, founder of Effico and former president of sanitation company COMPESA; and Professor Luciano Timm of the FGV Sao Paulo Law School.
The second panel discussion, starting at 2 p.m., will include talks by Professor Cesar Santolim of Rio Grande do Sul Federal University; Professor Pedro Menezes de Carvalho of IBMEC; Fabiano Dallazen, director of Aegea Saneamento e Participações S.A.; Luciano Goes, president of sanitation company DESO; and Marta Duarte, a lawyer in the strategic litigation area at sanitation group BRK Ambiental.
The recently passed Law 14,026 of 2020 updated the legal framework for basic sanitation in Brazil, amending several other laws, in particular Law 9,984 of 2000, Law 11,107 of 2005 and Law 11,445 of 2007. Of these changes, it is worth highlighting the expansion of the powers of the National Water and Basic Sanitation Agency.
In this context, sanitation service providers in Brazil will have to make every effort to comply strictly with this legislation and the regulations to be issued by the agency. This regulatory change was made to help achieve the goals of giving 99% of the Brazilian population access to drinking water and 90% access to sewage treatment services.
The aim of this webinar is to discuss the current regulatory model, its paths and challenges, as well as opportunities for companies, law firms and academics looking to study the sector.
To take part, please sign up here.
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