Regulation of airport and port infrastructure is subject of new book
The challenge is to seek consensus and establish an intelligent, ethical and efficient state, capable of forming partnerships with the private sector.

The regulation of port and airport infrastructure in Brazil has been the subject of intense debate between defenders of an austere state and those who see government intervention as crucial to boost the economy. In this context, a new book titled “Regulação de infraestruturas aeroportuária e portuária” (“Regulation of airport and port infrastructure”) contributes significantly to this debate. The book, published in partnership with publisher Editora Fórum, is the result of work carried out by the Airport Infrastructure Regulation Committee and Port Infrastructure Regulation Committee at Fundação Getulio Vargas’ Rio de Janeiro Law School, as part of the school’s “Regulation in Numbers” project.
The challenge is to seek consensus and establish an intelligent, ethical and efficient state, capable of forming partnerships with the private sector. Internal controls and high-quality spending are important issues to be discussed, and public-private partnerships and appropriate regulation are essential to drive socioeconomic development. It is essential to create an environment conducive to investment and the advancement of port and airport infrastructure in Brazil.
“Most of the discussion that is taking place today is based on the assumption that Brazil has a long-standing and pressing need to build modern transportation infrastructure, with high-quality services for citizens, as well as logistics to allow the private sector to cut costs and improve the competitiveness of Brazilian products in international markets. To achieve this, we need to join forces, with a long-term strategic vision, clear rules, predictability and public-private partnerships,” says Marcelo Sampaio, a former infrastructure minister, in the book’s foreword.
The book, organized by Fernando Villela de Andrade Vianna and Paulo Renato Jucá, contains 13 articles written by more than 20 authors and co-authors, presenting valuable contributions to the field of regulation and concession contracts in the port and airport areas.
To acquire the book, click here.
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