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FGV Rio de Janeiro Law School launches Road Infrastructure Regulation Committee

The initiative will also aim to suggest regulatory improvements in this field that may contribute to Brazil’s economic and social development.

FGV Rio de Janeiro Law School launches Road Infrastructure Regulation Committee

Fundação Getulio Vargas’ Rio de Janeiro Law School has just launched a Road Infrastructure Regulation Committee, with the goal of bringing together professionals with outstanding performance and recognized expertise to engage in permanent and rigorously grounded dialogue on the regulation of this sector. The initiative will also aim to suggest regulatory improvements in this field that may contribute to Brazil’s economic and social development.

The school has five other regulatory committees:

  • Airport Infrastructure;
  • Ports;
  • Insurance and Pensions;
  • Railroads;
  • Oil and Gas.

The Road Infrastructure Regulation Committee is made up of Adalberto Vasconcelos, CEO of ASV Infra Partners; André Galhardo de Camargo, legal director of Triunfo Participações e Investimentos Ltda; Eduardo de Abreu e Lima, legal director of Invepar; Eduardo Jacob, corporate legal director of EcoRodovias; Flávia Lucia Mattioli Tâmega, legal and compliance director of Arteris; Guilherme Sampaio, director of the National Land Transport Regulatory Agency (ANTT); Heloisa Camargo Caggiano Xavier Vianna of law firm Bockmann Moreira & Advogados Associados; Jorge Bastos, president of Infra S.A; Letícia Queiroz of law firm Queiroz Maluf Advogados; Luciano Lourenço, director of ANTT; Marco Aurélio de Barcelos Silva, president of the Brazilian Association of Highway Operators (ABCR); Marconi Arani Melo Filho, legal advisor at the Transport Ministry; Maurício Portugal of law firm Portugal Ribeiro & Jordão Advogados; Milton Carvalho Gomes, federal prosecutor and chief attorney at ANTT; Natália Marcassa, CEO of MoveInfra; Nicola Espinheira da Costa Khoury, secretary of external oversight, settlements and conflict prevention at the Federal Audit Court; Roberta Negrão Costa Wachholz, deputy chief attorney at ANTT; and Viviane Esse, national road transport secretary at the Transport Ministry. The committee is coordinated by José Cardoso Dutra Junior of law firm Dutra e Associados.

These thematic committees were created as part of the FGV Rio de Janeiro Law School’s Regulation in Numbers Project, launched in 2017 to produce and share regulatory knowledge in Brazil, help improve the country’s regulatory environment and promote regulatory best practices. The committees seek to promote institutional relationships between academia, the market and the state, in a neutral environment, encompassing a diverse set of activities, including seminars, academic research, meetings between their members and guests to discuss aspects of sector regulation, and the production of articles, policy papers and other publications.

The activities carried out by the committees are integrated with the law school’s undergraduate and graduate regulatory law programs. The objective is to have a committee for each of Brazil’s regulated economic sectors. A Mining Regulation Committee is currently in the process of being set up and other committees will in due course be created in the area of health surveillance.