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Hackathon to develop app is hosted by FGV and APP Cívico

Hackathon is a process used to find solutions to critical details in technology-based project development, involving Information Technology professionals and other players.


The Human Rights and Enterprises Group (GDHeE) of FGV’s Sao Paulo Law School (Direito SP) and APP Cívico will host a Hackathon on March 6. The event is one of the stages of an ongoing legal research project at Direito SP. The project will establish a system to catalog and monitor the risks and impacts of works and ventures on the rights of local communities – one of GDHeE’s research lines –, in addition to developing a digital indicator platform and app.

Hackathon is a process used to find solutions to critical details in technology-based project development, involving Information Technology professionals and other players. The process is based on Design Thinking, and influenced by Theory U and the Job-To-Be-Done theory, ultimately establishing the dynamics among stakeholders and alignment to the project’s goals. 

The Hackathon will bring together the research teams of GDHeE and APP Cívico, responsible for developing the app and digital indicator platform, as well as FGV’s Center for Public Administration and Government Studies (CEAPG), among other guests, such as Fórum Suape, Conectas, Business and Human Rights Resource Center, Instituto Pólis, and Avina. In addition to the Hackaprothon, the project also covers three pilot apps: one in the Amazon region, one in the Atlantic Forest region, and one in the city of Sao Paulo. 

According to Flávia Scabin, GDHeE coordinator, the purpose is to help create a cataloging and monitoring tool that can guide companies and public entities through infrastructure works, mitigating impacts among local populations and preserving human rights.

“Brazil adopted the UN’s guiding principles on business and human rights in 2011, changing what is expected from companies when it comes to human rights,” she said. According to Scabin, companies are now also expected to face the negative impacts of its operations within their chains and surroundings, which requires new public policies to control and promote businesses, as well as new ways to manage and control impacts and tools that ensure the proper engagement of all players involved and the local community.