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Justice Carlos Ayres Britto receives FGV Award for Human Rights

Justice Ayres Britto was chosen to receive the honor for his outstanding work in the Supreme Court between 2003 and 2012. During this period, he was judge-rapporteur on high profile cases, such as the recognition of same-sex union and the constitutionality of the use of embryonic stem cells in scientific research.


FGV’s Rio de Janeiro Law School (Direito RJ) and São Paulo Law School (Direito SP) will honor retired Brazilian Supreme Court (STF) Justice Carlos Ayres Britto. On February 13, at 11:30 a.m., in the auditorium of FGV’s main office in Rio de Janeiro, he will receive the ‘FGV Award for Human Rights’ for his contribution to the promotion and protection of Human Rights.

Justice Ayres Britto was chosen to receive the honor for his outstanding work in the Supreme Court between 2003 and 2012. During this period, he was judge-rapporteur on high profile cases, such as the recognition of same-sex union and the constitutionality of the use of embryonic stem cells in scientific research.

This will be the second edition of the award created in 2014 in celebration of FGV’s 70th anniversary, which repeatedly renewed its commitment to social development, democracy, and human rights.

The first edition awarded professor Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro, chairman of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic, established by the UN Human Rights Council, and member of the National Truth Commission.