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Mexican Consul General discusses governance and public policies in visit to FGV

During the meeting, participants discussed matters related to Governance, Administration and Public Policies in Latin America, among other topics of mutual interest.

Mexican Consul General discusses governance and public policies in visit to FGV

On July 4, FGV received a visit from the Consul General of Mexico in Rio de Janeiro, Linda Marina Dolores Munive Temoltzin, and the Consul of Communication and Culture, Adolfo Zepeda Soria. The Mexican delegation was welcomed by professor Bianor Cavalcanti, Director of FGV’s International Affairs Division (DINT), professor Marlos Lima, Deputy Director of the DINT, and César Rojas Alfonzo, Executive Secretary of the Latin American Group for Public Administration (GLAP), which is the local branch of the International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS).

During the meeting, participants discussed matters related to Governance, Administration and Public Policies in Latin America, among other topics of mutual interest.

At the event, the consul delivered the books “Participación de las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil en la Agenda Multilateral de México” [Participation of Civil Society Organizations in Mexico's Multilateral Agenda], “Apuntes de Diplomacia Ciudadana en México 2012-2018” [Notes on Citizen Diplomacy in Mexico, 2012-2018], and “Carta Universal de los Deberes y Obligaciones de las Personas”  [Universal Declaration of Human Duties and Responsibilities], written by a group of scholars, experts and citizens, based on a proposal by Portuguese writer José Saramago, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1998.

In return, professor Cavalcanti presented printed materials about Fundação Getulio Vargas and a copy of his book, “O Gerente Equalizador: Estratégias de Gestão no Setor Público” [The Equalizer Manager: Management Strategies in the Public Sector].