Online event discusses monitoring and evaluation culture in federal government

The aim of the webinar is to share experiences between ministries that are involved in monitoring and evaluation, in order to foster a culture of evaluation in the federal government.
Public Policy
24 May 2023
Online event discusses monitoring and evaluation culture in federal government

The Planning and Budget Ministry’s Public Policy Monitoring and Evaluation Secretariat and the Center for Learning on Evaluation and Results for Brazil and Lusophone Africa (FGV EESP CLEAR) at Fundação Getulio Vargas’ Sao Paulo School of Economics (FGV EESP) are holding a webinar on monitoring and evaluation culture in Brazil’s federal government. This public event will take place on May 31, at 10 am, on FGV’s YouTube channel.

The aim of the webinar is to share experiences between ministries that are involved in monitoring and evaluation, in order to foster a culture of evaluation in the federal government. The event is part of the gLOCAL Evaluation Week, organized by the Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI).

The speakers will be Isabel Chagas, director of basic education monitoring, evaluation and maintenance at the Education Ministry’s Basic Education Secretariat; and Joana Simões de Melo Costa, director of the Monitoring and Evaluation Department at the Development, Social Welfare, Families and Anti-Hunger Ministry’s Evaluation, Information Management and Low-Income People’s Registry Secretariat.

The moderators will be Ricardo Paes de Barros, a professor at Insper, a higher education institute in Sao Paulo, and lead researcher at the Center for Management and Public Policy (CGPP), the Center for Evidence in Comprehensive Education, the Science for Educational Management Center and the PopRua Center; and Lycia Lima, deputy director of FGV EESP CLEAR and a professor at FGV EESP.

To take part, please sign up here.

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