Online meeting looks at future of finance

This public event will be livestreamed on FGV’s YouTube channel on October 3, at 6 p.m.
26 September 2023
Online meeting looks at future of finance

FGV In Company, in partnership with academic journal GV-Executive, is holding a webinar on the future of finance. This public event will be livestreamed on FGV’s YouTube channel on October 3, at 6 p.m.

The purpose of the event is to discuss how finance has recently been impacted by many changes, including blockchain, bitcoin, big data, artificial intelligence and now Brazil’s digital currency, the Drex. In this context, the participants will debate different challenges and perspectives that, taken together, will provide a consistent portfolio of paths for fund managers.

The speakers will be Claudia Yoshinaga, the coordinator of the Finance Research Center at Fundação Getulio Vargas’ Sao Paulo School of Business Administration (FGV EAESP); Ricardo Ratner Rochman, a professor at FGV EAESP; and Maria Angélica Lencione Pedreti, also a professor at FGV EAESP. The moderator will be Adriana Wilner, co-editor in chief at GV-Executive.

To take part, please sign up here.

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