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Partnership between EBAPE and Boeing selects a student for an internship in the U.S.

A student of the 6th semester of Administration, Paula Pires e Albuquerque Caldas, was selected for the internship program Boeing Commercial Airplanes (BCA) - the world's largest aerospace company and leading manufacturer of commercial jets and space systems for defense and security.  In Brazil, only three vacancies were offered to students across the country, and the recruitment was conducted among the best higher education institutions. The steps of the selection process consisted of a curriculum evaluation, phone and in person interviews. In this last phase, the company representatives met with the candidates at the Hotel Copacabana Palace, where after the interviews, there was a collective lunch. In the afternoon, they were in EBAPE for an opened lecture for the undergraduate students.  Paula said her first reaction upon learning that she had passed was of extreme joy and pride.In fact, I'm very happy but aware of the responsibility of representing the school abroad and of the commitments that I have to take with the company, and especially with me - guided by excellence and respect. I entered this process with passion and that is how I intend to take it until the end, she says. She will fly to Seattle, Washington (USA) - city where the company is located - in the beginning of next year, and she will stay there from January to July 2013. Besides the international experience in one of the world's leading companies, the experience of the internship will count as supplementary activity on her resume.  According to Paula, EBAPE was essential to the success of this achievement. I think the big role of EBAPE in this endeavor was to be the platform so that all of this could take place. That does not happen overnight: a big company approach an educational institution saying it wants to recruit its students. In order to be qualified, the institution must be among the best, which involves medium and long term planning. It is, therefore, the result of a great joint effort and a well designed teaching excellence and internationalization policy implemented over the years, she adds.