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Prospects of Brazil’s app economy debated at FGV law school

Brazil’s app economy has grown significantly and stands out in the global technology scene, but the actual opportunities for gains and development in this market will depend on the public policies adopted by the country.


FGV’s Sao Paulo Law School (Direito SP) will host a roundtable to discuss the prospects of the app economy in Brazil and its regulatory and legal hurdles, at 9 a.m. on February 22. The event will feature guest lecturer Michael Mandel, chief economist of the Progressive Policy Institute (PPI) – a U.S.-based think tank –, who will reveal the final conclusions of his co-authored paper titled “Brazil’s App Economy”. The unprecedented study will be presented for the first time at the event. Mandel will share his impressions and reviews on public policies regarding apps in other countries.

Brazil’s app economy has grown significantly and stands out in the global technology scene, but the actual opportunities for gains and development in this market will depend on the public policies adopted by the country. In line with its mission to spearhead debate between law and other fields of knowledge – particularly the technology field –, Direito SP will host the event to discuss regulatory and legal issues surrounding the app market. The roundtable will feature professors Anna Lygia Costa Rego, Gustavo de Freitas Morais, Gustavo Gonçalves Vettori, and Rodrigo Kopke Salinas, as well as representatives of the Brazilian app market. The debate will be mediated by the professor of Direito SP’s digital economy and technology taxation courses, Flavio Rubinstein.

The event will be held in English, with no simultaneous translation available. Online registration is available via the website.