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Webinar discusses challenges and expectations for introduction of integrated electric urban mobility

The goal of the webinar is to discuss expectations and challenges for the introduction of integrated electric urban mobility, which is expected to entail greater investment, new business models and better governance, aimed at achieving more efficient and integrated public transport systems with adequate prices, using green, zero-emissions technology

Webinar discusses challenges and expectations for introduction of integrated electric urban mobility

Urban mobility in Brazil, especially with regard to the public transport system, was already experiencing a major crisis, and the situation has worsened because of the pandemic. To discuss this subject, Fundação Getulio Vargas’ Center for Regulation and Infrastructure Studies (FGV CERI) will hold a webinar on July 28, called “Integrated Urban Mobility.” The event will be broadcast live on FGV’s YouTube channel, as of 10 am.

The pandemic has caused a sharp drop in demand because of the social distancing measures recommended by the World Health Organization. On the other hand, there has been a significant improvement in air quality and reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

In this context, the goal of the webinar is to discuss expectations and challenges for the introduction of integrated electric urban mobility, which is expected to entail greater investment, new business models and better governance, aimed at achieving more efficient and integrated public transport systems with adequate prices, using green, zero-emissions technology.

The speakers will be Professor Ciro Biderman of Fundação Getulio Vargas’ Sao Paulo School of Business Administration (FGV EAESP) and the manager of AGETRANSP’s Technical Transport and Highways Chamber, José Luiz Lopes Teixeira. The moderator will be FGV CERI’s director, Professor Joisa Dutra.

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