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Webinar discusses pandemic’s fiscal impact on Federal District’s tax revenues

The event will be livestreamed on FGV’s YouTube channel on June 19, starting at 6 p.m.

Webinar discusses pandemic’s fiscal impact on Federal District’s tax revenues

Fundação Getulio Vargas’ School of Public Policy and Government (FGV EPPG) is holding a free webinar about the COVID-19 pandemic’s fiscal impacts on the Federal District’s tax revenue and fiscal policies. The event will be livestreamed on FGV’s YouTube channel on June 19, starting at 6 p.m.

The aim of the webinar is to present the results achieved so far by a research project titled “The COVID-19 Pandemic’s Fiscal Impacts on the Federal District’s Tax Revenue and Anticyclical Fiscal Policy,” funded by the Federal District Research Foundation (FAPDF), carried out at FGV EPPG and coordinated by Professor Jeferson Teodorovicz. This project set out to analyze the fiscal policy strategies used during the pandemic and their positive and negative effects on society.

The participants will discuss the effectiveness of the Federal District’s tax policies to combat the negative externalities resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. The project’s researchers have been looking into the tax measures taken by the Federal District’s authorities, in the executive, legislative and judicial branches, to control or contain the negative externalities resulting from COVID-19.


Jeferson Teodorovicz – Professor on Master’s in Public Policy and Government Program at FGV EPPG and coordinator of “The COVID-19 Pandemic’s Fiscal Impacts on the Federal District’s Tax Revenue and Anticyclical Fiscal Policy” research project, funded by FAPDF and executed by FGV EPPG.


  • Antônio de Moura Borges – Postdoctoral law researcher at Georgetown University Law Center and Complutense University of Madrid. Doctorate in law from University of Sao Paulo and master’s in law from Southern Methodist University School of Law.
  • Liziane Angelotti Meira – Professor, researcher and deputy coordinator of Master’s in Public Policy and Government Program at FGV EPPG. Doctorate in tax law from Sao Paulo Catholic University. Master’s in law and specialist diploma in international taxation from Harvard University, where she was awarded the prestigious Landon H. Gammon Fellowship.
  • Marcos Aurélio Pereira Valadão – Doctorate in law from Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, master’s in public law from University of Brasilia, former president of First Section of the Brazilian Finance Ministry’s Administrative Council of Tax Appeals (CARF). Lawyer and tax consultant. Professor on Master’s in Public Policy and Government Program at FGV EPPG.
  • Michell Przepiorka Vieira – Lawyer with a master’s degree and specialist diploma in international tax law from Brazilian Tax Law Institute (IBDT). MBA with IFRS certification from Accounting, Actuarial and Financial Research Institute Foundation (FIPECAFI) in Sao Paulo. Judge of Sao Paulo Municipal Tax Council. Scholarship-funded researcher on “The COVID-19 Pandemic’s Fiscal Impacts on the Federal District’s Tax Revenue and Anticyclical Fiscal Policy” research project, funded by FAPDF and executed by FGV EPPG.
  • Andressa Paz de Araújo Paiva – Undergraduate student, studying public administration at FGV EPPG and law at University of Brasilia, and scholarship-funded researcher on “The COVID-19 Pandemic’s Fiscal Impacts on the Federal District’s Tax Revenue and Anticyclical Fiscal Policy” research project, funded by FAPDF and executed by FGV EPPG.


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