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Políticas Públicas

FGV and government of Canaã dos Carajás launch plan to make municipality more sustainable by 2050

The plan anticipates the creation of new economic foundations to replace mining, currently Canaã dos Carajás’ main economic driver, which will start to decline over the next 25 years.

FGV e Prefeitura de Canaã dos Carajás (PA) lançam plano para tornar cidade mais sustentável até 2050

Fundação Getulio Vargas, through its technical consulting arm, FGV Projetos, is working with the municipal government of Canaã dos Carajás in Pará, northern Brazil, to develop a long-term strategy to make Canaã dos Carajás the happiest, most prosperous and most sustainable municipality in Brazil. The “Canaã of Our Dreams” project was launched during the 2024 Canaã dos Carajás Business Fair, in the presence of public officials and FGV representatives. The idea is to create a balanced and environmentally responsible growth model for the region.

With the aim of setting the benchmark for quality of life and economic progress in Brazil, the plan envisages a growth horizon until 2050, guiding the development of the municipality over the next 25 years. One crucial point in this plan is the municipality’s economic transition. Given that mining, Canaã’s main source of resources and development, will begin to decline over the next 25 years, the plan seeks to establish new economic foundations to sustain local growth. The focus is on identifying and promoting alternative income streams and economic activities that will be prepared to lead Canaã’s development in the future.

Aldo Labaki, FGV Projetos’ executive manager and project coordinator, highlighted the initiative’s importance. “FGV’s support is aimed at not just drawing up a traditional economic growth plan but aligning efforts and resources toward a shared vision of the future in which socioeconomic development and environmental preservation go hand in hand. Canaã dos Carajás has the potential to be a national leader for generating positive socioeconomic and environmental impacts on a large scale, and we are here to help build this path using the technical knowledge and experience of our experts,” he said.

Mayor Josemira Gadelha spoke about the importance of uniting the community’s efforts for collective well-being, highlighting the pillars that will guide the plan: happiness, prosperity and sustainability. “Everyone’s dreams need to converge with a view to public well-being,” she said.

Irineu Frare, deputy director of FGV Projetos, also emphasized FGV’s role in the initiative. “Our commitment to Canaã dos Carajás is to develop strategies that combine innovation, sustainability and economic development. FGV Projetos is committed to offering solutions that meet the region’s needs in an integrated and responsible way, with a view to having a positive impact on future generations,” he said.