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FGV professor participates in international symposium on racial equity at Superior Court of Appeals

During the event, held at the Superior Court of Appeals, Adilson Moreira of the FGV Sao Paulo Law School spoke about strategies to promote racial equity in the judiciary.

Professor da FGV participa de simpósio internacional sobre equidade racial no STJ

Adilson Moreira, a professor who lectures on anti-discrimination law and fundamental rights at the FGV Sao Paulo Law School, spoke at the “First International Symposium for Racial Equity: Brazil, the United States and South Africa,” at the invitation of the Superior Court of Appeals. The event was hosted by the court in Brasilia on December 4 and 5. 

Moreira addressed the topic of “Law, Psychology and Justice.” In his lecture, he dealt with the impact of racial stereotypes in the different phases of legal proceedings, a reality that hinders fair legal outcomes for black people. His talk was based on research that explores the issue of racial discrimination, involving themes from constitutional law, anti-discrimination law, legal sociology, the history of law and legal psychology.

“It was an excellent opportunity to talk to Brazilian, American and South African experts about a problem that affects members of disadvantaged racial groups in all three societies. Studies that use psychological theses to analyze the impact of mental schemas on the various decisions that legal operators make throughout a judicial process are still rare. Legal scholars invariably assume that police officers, prosecutors and judges always operate rationally and that they always apply rules and follow procedures neutrally. This view is far removed from reality,” he said.
About the event

The First International Symposium for Racial Equity: Brazil, the United States and South Africa aimed to promote comparative dialogue on advances and persistent challenges for the promotion of racial equity in the Brazilian judiciary. It was supported by the National Justice Council, the Federal Justice Council, the Association of Brazilian Magistrates, the Association of Brazilian Federal Judges and the National Magistrates’ College.

About Professor Adilson Moreira

Adilson Moreira is the author of various works, including “Recreative Racism,” “A Treatise on Anti-Discrimination Law,” “Thinking Like a Black Man: An Essay in Legal Hermeneutics,” which was a finalist for the Jabuti Prize in 2020, and “Racial Literacy.” His latest book, “Women, Race and Law,” was recently published.

He did postdoctoral research at the University of Berkeley School of Law in 2022. He holds a doctorate in comparative constitutional law from Harvard Law School (2013) and a doctorate in constitutional law from Minas Gerais Federal University Law School with a sandwich stage at Yale Law School (2007), among other titles.