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Rio de Janeiro Law School obtains maximum score in Brazilian Education Ministry reaccreditation

Procedure is a fundamental stage in the regulation and evaluation of higher education in Brazil.

FGV Direito Rio alcança nota máxima em recredenciamento do MEC

Fundação Getulio Vargas’ Rio de Janeiro Law School obtained the maximum possible score of 5 when the Brazilian Education Ministry recently reaccredited it.

The result was announced after a thorough evaluation carried out by an Education Ministry committee, which included interviews with managers, professors, students and employees, as well as a detailed analysis of the school’s infrastructure and scientific output in recent years.

The reaccreditation of higher education institutions is a fundamental stage in the regulation and evaluation of higher education in Brazil. This process involves evaluating various institutional aspects, such as infrastructure, teaching staff qualifications, educational resources, teaching, research and extension policies, and academic and administrative management.

The top score from the Education Ministry reaffirms the FGV Rio de Janeiro Law School’s position as an educational leader in Brazil, standing out in cutting-edge areas of private enterprise, government and civil society, and strengthening its contribution to the country’s development and progress.