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FGV’s Social Impact Report highlights social inclusion and development initiatives

Get to know FGV’s Social Impact Report and find out how FGV contributes proposals and solutions that are transforming society and opening the door to achievements for all Brazilians

FGV’s Social Impact Report highlights social inclusion and development initiatives

The contemporary challenge of promoting inclusion goes beyond simply mitigating disparities; it involves creating an environment where all stakeholders can contribute fully to economic and social development.

In this context, issues such as gender, race, poverty and protection of human rights and material and immaterial livelihoods interact with access to public and private services, such as education, credit, digital tools, justice, security and employment, to form a set of debates and measures that are essential for Brazil to assert its strategic advantages globally.

The more inclusive a society is, the more dynamic its science, economy, productive relations and continual innovation system will be. FGV believes that this set of factors can build a Brazil that delivers growth, quality of life, education, health, sustainability, justice, technology and competitiveness.

Inclusion and development are thus interconnected concepts that permeate FGV’s strategies, as pillars for building a stronger country, internally and externally. A country capable of projecting its leadership, multiplying the possibilities generated by its huge and unique human capital, in a thriving, transformative, fair and creative economy.

Learn about some of our projects:

  • New Perspectives on Archives: A project titled “New Perspectives on Archives: Visuality, Dissemination and Education in the CPDOC Women’s Archives” set out to highlight female perspectives on historical narratives and the construction of Brazilian democracy through the FGV CPDOC Archives.
    This initiative centers on a series of audiovisual production workshops aimed at young students and teachers in elementary and high school education. The aim is to bring this audience closer to the institution’s historical collection and enable the creation of documentaries based on these images and materials, especially those relating to the role, presence and leadership of women in Brazilian society from the 1930s onward.
  • Analysis of Legislation to Protect Women from Crimes: In 2023, FGV completed an empirical study on the application of Brazil’s Sexual Crimes Law. Qualitative and quantitative in nature, the work began in 2020, based on rulings from the Sao Paulo Court of Appeals and case studies, with the aim of understanding how the legal mechanisms for dealing with this issue work.
    The conclusions highlight some of the main obstacles faced by the criminal justice system, which contribute to negative perceptions of the protection of women through anti-rape legislation.
  • Digital Inclusion for Community Management and Territorial Protection in the Tapajós River Basin: Digital inclusion has proved to be an important tool for the protection and management of territories, especially in the Amazon. Increasingly, traditional peoples and communities, in partnership with civil society organizations, are using technology to support surveillance and monitoring actions, amid pressures, impacts and threats to the well-being and conservation of social and biological diversity.
    In this context, cameras, smartphones, drones, GPS devices and computers, as well as apps, digital platforms and other means of collecting and analyzing data, are having a valuable effect in empowering communities to autonomously protect the spaces they occupy.

About FGV’s Social Impact Report:

The Social Impact Report presents FGV’s intellectual output, including facts, figures, research projects and survey results across different areas of the institution. It describes FGV’s range of activities and the positive changes it generates in society.

In line with FGV’s mission to stimulate Brazil’s socioeconomic development, the document presents data and highlights regarding the organization’s evolution in its main areas of impact, whether through projects, initiatives or activities focused on innovation in public and budgetary policies, the green economy, human rights and social development, national defense and security, and global productivity and cooperation.

Click here to see the full report.

Read more about other topics covered by FGV’s Social Impact Report: